About the Museum of Drugs
The Museum of Drugs is a Registered Charity (1181946) in the UK and an internationally renowned authority on the history of substance use.
Our people
The Museum of Drugs, was established in 2008 by the following founding members:
Ben Curran - Chief Executive & Curator
Ben has worked in learning disabilities, mental health and substance use services since graduating in Psychology in 1995. More recently he has worked for the third sector within assertive outreach, operational management and business development. His experience of delivering training on substance use policy and as a guest lecturer at university led to the creation of the Museum of Drugs, the primary purpose being to bring the historical context of drug legislation to a wider audience. 'Understanding the present is about understanding our past. Without this, we limit our ability to build a better future'.
Email: curator@museumofdrugs.com
Dan Mobbs - Trustee
Dan has spent twenty years working in substance misuse and mental health as a practitioner and senior manager. He is currently the Chief Executive of a youth charity. He is also an occasional university lecturer and trainer. Dan's role at the Museum of Drugs is advisory and strategic. He is keen to see the museum attract a range of visitors including policy makers and academics. Dan notes 'The Museum is an opportunity to understand the history and context of drug use and how moral panics, fear and ignorance has influenced social policy and legislation'.
Emmeline Gabrielle Von Ratzer MBE - Trustee
Emmeline has extensive experience working in the public and third sector. She has provided consultancy in management and leadership to a variety of organisations, and is currently the Chief Executive of a charity supporting socially marginalised groups.