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Opium Den in Paris


We believe that historic collections can have significant impact beyond traditional educational and entertainment purposes. Our experience tells us that historic collections can be used as a vehicle for positive societal and individual change. 

We are looking to collaborate with museums, galleries and exhibition spaces to showcase our collection and promote our charitable objectives. We would love to hear from you if you would like to work with us. 

We also work with universities, colleges and partners in the statutory and third sector to support their work. Contact us at the bottom of this page.

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Ways in which the our exhibitions help make a difference:

  • Better inform the public about the risks associated with drug use and ways of reducing harm

  • Challenge negative attitudes towards marginalised and vulnerable members of society

  • Dispel myths about drug production, supply and use, helping the public to better understand the connections in the chain and how exploitation occurs at every stage 

  • Encourage and enable people who are experiencing problems with their use of substance to access support by signposting to local services (particularly people who are reluctant to engage via more formal/ traditional approaches)

  • Provide educational resources to students and people working in the enforcement, probation, health and social care sector, including themed lectures with historical artefacts 

  • Encourage footfall on the high street where public exhibitions are held to support the local economy, businesses and communities 

  • Provide voluntary and paid hours of work for people to support the Museum and the exhibition

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